NHZ works with communities and families around the country in promoting their wate rights, the right of children and women to safe and clean water is key in achieving our mission ,by providing training on the availability and access to quality water and sanitation services , protect watersheds and water points ,we support the coutry to achieve the Global Goals on Sustanable Development bencmarks with special focus on the districts with low rainfall levels .
Rural and Urban water services has deteriorated in the past years as the country goes through the most challanging socio-political political phase in history as well as the successive draughts being caused by changes in weather patterns , as a result, the country recently suffered one of the worst cholera outbreaks recorded in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, diarrhoea has become much more prevalent than before and is now one of the five main childhood killers in Zimbabwe.
The Water programme aims to:
Promote the water rights to children and women
Increase availability and access to quality water and sanitation facilities to all;
Promote the accessible of water for animals and agriculture
Repair and rehabilitate the national rural water infrastructure
Promote coordinated water managment
Promote the protection of rural water points.
NHZ is currently introducing training for urban dwelers on Rainwater harvesting.
This project aims at promoting the harvesting of rain where it falls, capturing the runoff and taking measures to store that water and keep it clean and be able to use it in times of need .
Rainwater harvesting can be undertaken through a variety of ways:
capturing run-off rain from roof tops
capturing run-off rain from local catchments
capturing seasonal floodwater from local streams
conserving water through watershed management
Bennefits of Harvesting rainwater:
providing water to people and livestock
providing water for food and cash crops
increasing groundwater recharge
reducing storm water discharges, urban floods and overloading of sewage treatment plants
Domestic rainwater harvesting system consist of:
a collection surface,
a storage tank, and
guttering or channels to transport the water from one point to the other........Read more here.